Friday, September 25, 2009


Ride it, my pony

Got up earlier then usual for a Friday. Headed off to the doctors
What was with the no traffic?
Stopped for coffee and then got examined...
easy breezy
went and said hello to Duffy and then home again.
Read some Chaucer and then fell asleep for an hour.. not part of the plan.
Made dinner then headed back out and went to the Carp Fair with Matt and Chris
People tripping and face planting,
Girl puking,
Information Friend,
I feel SO old...
Bumper cars!
"HaHA, Kid! I totally dodged you there!"
No Contact Beaver Tale
Too cold Lemonade
BED =)

Fajitas? Fajitos? Quesadilla!

Up for class, then home from class
did some readings, and got started on my assignment.
Emailed my teacher and got a douche bag, jack-ass response back from him. Jeez...
Forgot the damn sour cream
A night with the T.V.
Watched a very kick ass new show (I'm so glad you watch it too)
What was with the Kangaroo?...
Grey's then bed

I'm not cheating...

Class in the afternoon
Headed out to the west end and did some grocery shopping
To dad's for turkey pot pie! yumm
inspected Duffy's foot and then found out it's being taken care of
Home to watch ANTM and sleep

1 comment:

  1. That should be Matt's profile picture.
    It's too good to waste!
