Monday, May 18, 2009


Happy Victoria Day

Got up at 8:40am.
Ate, packed, cleaned and headed home around 10:45.
Sept a bit in the car.
Going for coffee then heading to school to do some studying.

A Cold May Day

Woke up at 8
Freezing day out
Emily organized all the chip and dale cards into categories
Attempted to play volleyball but it was too cold and painful
Watched the game in the afternoon. We won!
Never Ending Word Search
Had dinner with 5 year expired cheese whiz
After dinner we played some more apple to apples

Unnatural Horseback Riding

"I hate when you get stuck in the ass-hole"

Went for a walk as it got dark
Stopped at Nick's car where we had a dance off to Eminem
Emily definitely won. Walked to the sand Pit.

"Imagine another group of people came here and we had to have a dance off and Pat had to beat box"

Came back and sat by the fire. Toasted marshmellows and chatted.
Blue Angel
Matha's twin.

Me: "what time is it?"
NotMe: "9:40pm"
Me: "Wow, that's like 1am cottage time."

11pm, time for bed.

Family Fun

Left Ottawa around 8:30.
Road trip

NotMe: "Duffy smells like dirty ass-hole"
Me: "Stop saying that!!"

Got to the Cottage around noon.
The Laportes, Nick, Anna, Eric, Andrea and Nana and Poppa were already there
Had lunch.
Then it rained all afternoon
We played Apples to Apples and chilled

"Chicken Wang"

"No, that's not the same guy, this one has a touch of Asian"

Had dinner
Everyone participated in a Crochanole tournament

Me: "well whatever, Patrick and the bird lady won"

Went to bed around 10

Foxy Foxes

Had class in the morning
Matt called around 4 to invite me for a bbq at his place
Got to Dad's and dropped off Dufy
Arrived at Matt's. Him, Ash and Llew were there.
Llew had a very dim day haha.

"what did you have for dinner?"

Sat out in the backyard eating hot dogs and playing guitar.
Llew, being a jerk, scared the crap out of me and I spilled my water everywhere
Chris joined us and we all went to the field to look for the foxes, no luck. Then went to the LCBO and dairy queen.
The I got mad for a while.
Back at Matt's playing Ass-Hole.
Matt and I were really sucking. We were the team of ass-holes, but eventually climbed our way back up there
Went to O'Connor's around 11:30
Pretty chill, saw a bunch of random people
Left around 12:45. Dropped Matt and Ash off then hungout with Llew a bit longer.
Got home at 3am...I have to get up at 7am. 4 hours of sleep...

Do or Die

Had class in the morning then in the evening
Rushed to Mom's after class.
Made it for the second half of the game
Scariest game 7's suck!
I was still shaking an hour after game was over
Em called and I met her at JSP because she was off work.
Got there and she was already drunk
Hung out with her and her work friends.

"who is this girl?"
"I dont know.. definitely not my sister"

(Picture is coming! Courtesy of Robyn)

Class in the morning
Didn't do much afterwards.
Hung out with Mark around 9
Went to JSP for some beer and chatted.
Robyn called and we met up with her and Pat around 11 back at my place
Hungout in the parking lot
Balancing on the cement planks, sumo wrestling and figure skating.

Not so Much

Another boring day.
Had two classes


Nothing much of importance happened today.
Did some school work and relaxed

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